Wellness class

 Take advantage of our health education programs

As a WHA member, you have access to most health education programs and classes sponsored by our network's medical groups, even those not connected to your primary care physician's medical group.

Through our network's medical groups you will find many classes, programs and/or support groups in:

  • Diabetes
  • Fitness
  • Heart and Vascular
  • Lung Health
  • Nutrition

Unless otherwise noted, most health programs or classes are free, and you can join online. If you need additional assistance in finding a health education program or class, please contact the phone number noted with each program description. Class registration information and a description of the program are located on the specified website.

Wellness Classes Connection
CommunityFit NorthBay Healthcare
Dignity Health Providence (formerly St. Joseph Health)
Methodist Sacramento Triumph Cancer Foundation

Note: For Meritage Medical Network WHA members, please check with your medical group to learn about support groups an wellness classes in your area. 



If you have questions related to the websites, please contact member services and ask for the health promotion and disease management department.

Last review date: February 28, 2025